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On IRLP there are two types of connections.

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If the system is set up as a simplex link then the node computer acts like a normal remote user and to shut down a connection we need to wait until the other end stops transmitting (talking) before we can give a control command.

If the latter is the case then the system can be run in full duplex and the computer can be controlled from the repeater input at all times not just when the tail of the repeater drops. The local computer used for IRLP can be connected to a repeater via RF link as in our case with the 443.650 repeater, or can be connected to the repeater via hardwire cable if the computer is co-located at the repeater site. In IRLP there are two types of links available, Repeater or Simplex Link. There is always a current list of IP Nodes stored on each IRLP computer so the system should function even if there is a loss of central ip resolution servers.

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The IRLP system does not depend on central servers in order to complete a link as the connection is peer to peer meaning the connection is between the local host computer and the destination computer. This means that there is a radio involved at both ends of the link and the medium used to complete the connection between the two radios is the internet instead of the traditional RF links we used back in the 80's that limited the link distance to a few hundred miles before the link became unwieldy. The IRLP system is a system that allows for only radio to radio connections. There are always radios involved at both ends of an IRLP link connection.

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